Act Now: School Transport Application

ACT NOW to ensure your school transport application for 2023/24 is received on time.

If you already have school transport assistance in place for your child for 2023/24, you do not need to reapply for transport providing your circumstances haven’t changed. Similarly, if you have already submitted your application for school travel assistance starting in September 2023, you do not need to do anything else.

Over 90% of families in Hampshire organise their own journeys to school. Have a look at our Travel to school page for ideas and information.

For a minority of children in the county, particularly those with SEND, there are exceptional reasons why they are unable to get to school, even with the help of families or friends. For these situations, Hampshire County Council may be able to help. Please carefully check if you are eligible: Eligibility and how to apply

If your child meets the eligibility criteria, and you need help getting them to school, you can apply now for transport assistance for the 2023/24 school year.

The sooner we receive your application, the earlier we can arrange transport ready for September.

After 31 July 2023, applications will still be considered, however transport may not be in place in time for the start of the new school year.

Thank you,

School Transport Service
Children’s Services
Hampshire County Council

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