Careers and Access Provider Programme



The information below sets out the school’s arrangements for managing access of providers to students at Perins, for the purpose of giving students information about the provider’s education or training offer.  This complies with the school’s legal obligation under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

The Perins Careers Programme


Perins School is committed to delivering a careers programme that meets all eight Gatsby Benchmarks.  The school has a structured careers programme designed to meet the needs of all students throughout their time at Perins, to ensure they have a positive transition to their next stage of education or training.  To this end, all students will leave Perins with a “moving on” plan.

Careers education is delivered as part of students’ Life Studies lessons, through 1:2:1 session with an Independent Careers Advisor, support from their tutor and enrichment opportunities and inputs from visiting education and training providers and professionals.

All students from Year 7 onwards can access the bespoke careers support programme, giving careers information appropriate to any stage in their education. 

Assessment of Impact and Policy Review

To ensure that we are consistently improving, we measure our existing programme annually against the Gatsby benchmarks, in discussion with staff, external partners and in line with our statutory obligations. 

Work Experience

Work Experience

Explore Career Options, year 7 to University

Explore Career Options, year 7 to University

Careers Programme

Careers Programme

CEIAG Policy

CEIAG Policy

Are you an Employer? Get in touch

Are you an Employer? Get in touch

Perins Leaver destinations information

Perins Leaver destinations information

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