Transition Hub 2024

Joining us in Year 7
Transitioning from primary to secondary school is an exciting time for many children. The opportunity to experience countless inspiring new activities and lessons, at a much larger school, can spark a life-long interest or even a career path. The atmosphere at Perins is extremely welcoming, caring, and supportive, making the transition process incredibly straightforward. We believe that a confident and happy student is more likely to achieve his or her full potential, which is our aim as much as yours.
As soon as you have confirmed your child’s place, we make it our goal to get to know them as much as possible, so by the time September comes they are very familiar with their new surroundings and what is expected of them. This ensures that your child settles into this new phase of their education seamlessly. We have a comprehensive transition programme, including Information evenings, our ‘Meet the Tutor’ event and an Induction Day, there are plenty of opportunities for you and your child to find out about life at Perins before the start of the autumn term. Do keep checking these pages as we will be regularly updating them.
If you have any queries, please contact
Latest Information and Communications
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Perins School family.
I hope that you are pleased to receive the news that you will be working with Perins School over the next five years on the educational experience we term the ‘Perins Journey.’
We have a fantastic, experienced team ready to welcome our new starters and introduce them to the school environment, curriculum and the Perins values, the cornerstone of our school ethos.
Please click here to view the full welcome letter.
Check out this short film to give you an insight into life at Perins School.
Please see communication sent out regarding Music lessons and Terms and Conditions
**Transport reminder
Please note that the transport deadline is approaching, please ensure you have applied for transport it if is required by 31st May 2024
We hope you have settled into the last term in your Key Stage 2 learning, with the knowledge that you have a place at Perins School. We are really looking forward to forging a positive relationship with all our new students and parents as we move closer to studies at Key Stage 3 and all the experiences this brings!
Parent Information & Year 6 student social evening
We will be hosting a face-to-face Parent Information Evening on Monday 13th May at 6.00 pm in the Main Hall at Perins School.
Please click here to view the full letter and register for the evening event.
We are very proud of our pioneering laptop scheme. All students are given the opportunity to use a school laptop for their time at Perins for use in school and at home. The scheme relies on the commitment and donations of our parents to ensure we can deliver this outstanding opportunity to our students.
We are pleased to invite you to join our new 3-year laptop scheme, starting in September 2024, for those students joining Year 7 in September.
Please ensure you read this 2024 Laptop Scheme Information. This information sheet gives full details of this year’s device and how our Perins Laptop Scheme operates overall. Please ensure you have read the FAQs.
Click here for full information about our 3-Year Laptop Scheme
“Friends of Perins” needs your help, please.
We are looking for parents to join our PTA. If you are interested in helping please email
Why join? – From making new friends and getting to know the school environment, to helping raise much-needed funds, which impacts the children and school community. You can help make a difference for your children and for generations to come.
Please see the full letter here
Please click here to view our Extension Challenge Ideas Holiday Booklet 2024
Following a review of lockers over the summer break, communication will be coming out shortly on how to apply to rent one this year.
NB: please ensure your email provider is not blocking communications from Perins School (this mainly applies to Hotmail and Gmail accounts). Please add the email address: to your safe list.