Perins School Homework expectations 2024-25


Through this set of expectations with regards homework, we aim to: 

  • Ensure parents and carers have clear understanding of what is expected of their child
  • Ensure a consistency of approach throughout the school
  • Use homework as a tool to help continue to raise standards of attainment and progress
  • Improve the quality and balance of the learning experience offered to students and extend it beyond the classroom environment
  • Encourage our students and their families to share and enjoy learning experiences
  • Reinforce work covered in class by providing further opportunities for consolidation and individual learning
  • Encourage our students where appropriate to develop the responsibility, confidence and self-discipline needed to study independently

The nature of homework 

It should be noted that homework can be set in many different formats with differing expectations and outcomes. The nature and type of homework is likely to change through a student’s school career. When setting homework, we are mindful that it should not cause undue stress for the student, their family, or teacher. 

Recommended time allocation 

We recommend that core subjects (English; Maths; Science) should set between 30 and 60 minutes of homework each week for all year groups (or the equivalent across a fortnight). In years 9, 10 and 11 we expect a student’s option subjects to be setting in the region of 30 minutes per week (or an hour per fortnight). In years 7 & 8, non-core subjects should be setting around 30 minutes homework per fortnight.  

We expect our staff to allow a minimum of 5 school days for students to complete homework. 

Role of the teacher 

  • To provide parents and carers an overview of homework tasks set using Edulink.  
  • When necessary, give guidance on how parents and carers might assist their child.
  • To ensure that homework is set consistently.
  • To ensure homework is purposeful and linked directly to the subject’s curriculum map.
  • To reward and praise students who regularly complete homework tasks.
  • To ensure meaningful feedback is provided to students. 
  • To ensure that sufficient time is afforded for completion of each homework task.

Role of the student 

  • To plan their homework across the week to suit their individual external commitments.
  • To take pride in their homework and complete it to the best of their ability, ensuring each task is completed by the set deadline.
  • To seek help from their teacher if they are unsure about their homework

 Role of the parent or carer 

  • To support the school by ensuring that their child attempts the homework.
  • To provide a suitable place for their child to carry out their homework.
  • To encourage and praise their child when they have completed their homework.
  • To make it clear that homework and independent learning are valued, supporting the school by explaining to their child how homework can contribute to

Role of the school and its leadership team 

  • To monitor the effectiveness of these expectations. 
  • To ensure that suitable workspace is provided for students to complete homework during lunchtimes and after school hours should they so wish.
  • To ensure that rewards are used to acknowledge and celebrate good homework and

We will keep these expectations under constant review whilst the school looks to further embed the culture of independent learning through completion of homework. 

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