Perins New Orchard

Year 8 Transform took part in a Dragon’s Den style project earlier in the year. They competed against their peers to attend Sparsholt College, pitching against other schools for a chance to win £250 towards their Entrepreneurial idea. The brief was to think about how we could make the school more sustainable.

“It was scary presenting to the Dragons at Sparsholt, but I’m really glad we did it, maybe they will come back and see how the trees are doing.” – Noah

Harrison, George and Noah’s idea was to use the money to plant fruit trees on the grounds of the school not only to encourage more green spaces but also to reap the rewards of the fruit and ensure a healthy diet in years to come.

“It’s nice to see our hard work paying off and that in a year we’ll be able to eat the fruit, it is really rewarding – George

“It is so satisfying to see them being planted and to think, ‘We’ve done this’ – Harrison.

Well done to Harrison, George and Noah, and a huge thank you to Sparsholt College this amazing opportunity.⠀

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