Hampshire Archives Competition

The judging of this year’s Hampshire Archives History Competition took place over the Easter break and there was a meeting of the Board of Trustees last week which ratified the results. We are delighted to share that Perins Mason O from Year 9 has been awarded joint winner in the Individual Years 7-9 category. The judging panel were very impressed indeed by his project and he will hopefully be meeting with the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire who will present him with his prize soon.

The judges’ brief summary for Mason’s project was: This is a very impressive piece of work. The topic is an interesting one. It is presented clearly and with unexpected witty moments of humour. It is a good story, with excellent slides, and lots of information. The historical context demonstrated is very good and there is clear use of a range of sources.

Well done also to Noah H, Lilly J and Elizabeth G for entering their projects and to all of you for your hard work and dedication to the competition.

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