Perins School

Student destinations 2023

This information has been complied by Hampshire County Council, based on the cohort of young people who were recorded as being academically aged Year 11 and in a Hampshire establishment on 31st May 2023.

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of terms

The table below shows the most popular establishments attended, by the Year 11 leavers who moved to a full-time education programme. It shows the number of young people attending the establishment, and the percentage they represent compared to all Perins School full-time education leavers (220)

Further Education Colleges students attended

Further Education Colleges students attended

There are different types of education programmes. The bar chart below shows that a higher percentage of education programme leavers from Perins School moved on to study a Level 3 programme than the Hampshire average. A lower percentage moved to Technical programmes than the Hampshire average

What type of further education did our students attend?

What type of Further Education did our students attend?

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