Inclusion and SEND at Perins

Our new SENDCo – Alexandra Scott has joined us at Perins. She has come from a social, emotional and mental health specialist provision school and is really excited to get to know our SEND students and their families. Alexandra says “I am looking forward to working with all students and their families over the coming school year. Enabling all students to succeed by developing lifelong strategies throughout their time at Perins will allow individuals to be equipped for their future journey. Over the coming term, I will be visiting lessons and getting to know both students and staff; I am looking forward to seeing the great work done.”

Mrs Pearce’s Assistant Headteacher role continues to focus on Inclusion at Perins. Some of the strategic improvement areas this year include:

  • Teacher CPD for Inclusive Classroom strategies
  • Culture of celebrating strengths
  • Waves referral process for staff
  • Evaluating best practice in other schools
  • Parent: Neurodiversity Action Group
  • Evaluating the curriculum offer for KS3 and KS4
  • Connections to colleges and outside agencies

Additionally, Mrs Pearce is a mental health lead and leads on education plans for looked-after children.

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