Perins School

Careers Programme


Perins School is committed to delivering a careers programme that meets all eight Gatsby Benchmarks.  The school has a structured careers programme designed to meet the needs of all students throughout their time at Perins, to ensure they have a positive transition to their next stage of education or training.  To this end, all students will leave Perins with a “moving on” plan.

Careers education is delivered as part of students’ Life Studies lessons, through 1:2:1 session with an Independent Careers Advisor, support from their tutor and enrichment opportunities and inputs from visiting education and training providers and professionals.

All students from Year 7 onwards can access the bespoke careers support programme, giving careers information appropriate to any stage in their education.  Below is just a selection of opportunities that our students experience

Year 7

First aid: pupils will participate in an NHS-led first aid course that will cover areas such as cardiac arrest, the recovery position and many more. The University of Portsmouth will work alongside to support all pupils in the year group.

Myth Busters: Top workers from the NHS sit down and talk about the truths and myths surrounding the NHS and medicine in the UK.

Year 8

Dragons den toy design project: Pupils will work in groups to design and present a new toy for a local hospital. Using business and design support from trained NHS staff to create interesting and engaging toys.

Careers project: Pupils will develop their understanding of how to write CV’s and apply for a job. This will culminate in all pupils taking part in a one-to-one face-to-face interview.

Year 9

GCSE Option take over: Pupils will experience a lesson led by an NHS expert linked to one of their GCSE options subjects. The lesson will allow pupils to see the potential that their subject choice can lead to.

The second career experience for year 9 is currently being finalised. The page will be updated when we have confirmation from the employer.

Year 10

GCSE Option takeover: Pupils will experience a lesson led by an NHS expert linked to one of their GCSE options subjects. The lesson will allow pupils to see the potential that their subject choice can lead to.

Work experience: Year 10 pupils will organise and complete a 5-day placement in a work environment. They will experience a real work environment and learn the details of a future career of their choice.

Annual Careers Fair: This is an opportunity for students to meet with representatives from the local sixth form colleges, apprenticeship providers and local businesses.

Year 11

Careers Fair: Pupils can meet and talk with different post-16 providers to support their journey beyond their time at Perins School.

The tutor team works with each student to help them to complete an application form before taking part in a compulsory, mock one-to-one interview. The practice interviews are conducted by local businesspeople, who will give students a critique of their application and feedback on their interview technique.

Students are invited to have an appointment with our impartial Independent Careers Advisor. Any Year 11 student who would like an appointment with the careers advisor can request one through Student Services or their tutor.  Students will have an interview followed up with a typed action plan, which they are encouraged to share with parents and carers.

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